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Parking Updates for Spring 2024

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Parking and transportation services continue to evolve to address the dynamic campus challenges and opportunities.

Winter Weather expected January 14-15:  A winter storm is expected to impact campus just as the new semester begins. Parking is already tight during the first days of the semester but may be impacted further due to icy conditions and some parking deck closures due to unmelted precipitation. Students are encouraged to add more time to get to campus and find parking before their classes.

UTA Blvd. Water Line Replacement: UTA Blvd will be temporarily closed to eastbound traffic as the City of Arlington replaces the water line in this area. Expect significant delays in this area as traffic will be rerouted to Greek Row and Nedderman to get onto Cooper Street.


UTA Parking Finder:  PATS Launched the UTA Parking Finder app in August 2023 to help you find parking faster. This app syncs with parking lot occupancy sensors to show the current occupancy of 40% of our lots now, and predict future occupancy at your estimated arrival time!  Visit the web app at

Campus Wayfinding & Guidance: Additional parking sensors are currently being installed in our Student Commuter lots, faculty/staff lots, and resident lots-- which will soon increase our campus coverage of parking lot sensors from 40% to 61% of the campus. We are planning to cover 85% of our parking lots with occupancy sensors within three years, and some areas will start seeing real-time occupancy signs appearing as they approach parking lots. This information and where there are spaces to park now is readily available to you on the UTA Parking Finder  

Late-Night Security Escort App Update: The late-night escort service was switched from Tapride to the MavMover app in September 2023. This new app improves the overall service experience and can be found in your app store. 

Free Rides on self-driving shuttles: Employees and students can receive free fares on Arlington RAPID, the self-driving shuttles. Starting in 2021, this service is the longest-running self-driving mobility program in the country.  In 2021, UTA became the first university in the country to use self-driving shuttles exclusively for its transportation system.  Since then, the service has carried tens of thousands of passengers without a reportable incident. The service zone covers the entire UTA campus and Downtown Arlington. Customers can request a free ride in the Arlington Transportation app during normal service hours. 


Phase 2 of the West Campus Residence Hall: This is scheduled to break ground on the West Campus (WC) parking lot in mid-January, with an opening date of August 2025. Resident West parking will be greatly impacted.   

  • University Housing will begin constructing a 600+ bed residence hall (Maverick Hall) on the existing WC parking lot.  
  • Current WC Residents parking in this lot will be relocated in Spring 2024 to available parking spaces in Meadow Run, University Village, and Arbor Oaks parking spaces.  
  • The WC Parking Lot must be cleared by 1/16/2024.
  • Additional parking is available along Summit Drive and in the Meadow Run parking lot. 
  •  Use the UTA Parking Finder ( for a list of all spaces available to park corresponding to your permit and availability.   Adjust the Arrival Time to see how parking availability changes throughout the day.
  • Resident West students wishing to park in the West Campus Garage can purchase a Dual Permit add-on to their existing Resident West permit for $76 for the Spring semester. Add this on to your permit in the MavPark portal.

Cooper Street Bridge Remodel: Cooper Street Bridge renewal and redesign of the north and south bridges that span the street will create an iconic welcome to our campus, improve safety and longevity, and ensure that the bridges are easier to maintain going forward.  

  • This project started on December 8, 2023, and will go through May 2024. 
  • Starting on December 3, 2023, the north bridge will close to pedestrians through March 2024. Cooper Street will have nightly vehicle lane closures from 9pm to 6am. 
  • During Winter Break, the South Bridge will close to pedestrians and remain closed through April 2024. The Center bridge will remain open and available.  
  • Add extra time to navigate this area or seek an alternative route. Additional parking options might be available to you with your parking permit type. You can also ride the UTA Mav Mover from the University Center to the MAC (Mavericks Activity Center) on the Blue or Express routes. 
  • Persons who need special accommodations should contact the Student Access and Resource Center or your Human Resources business partner. 

Life Science Remodel: The Life Science remodel will be a multi-year project that refurbishes and expands the existing building. 

  • Beginning on December 18, 2023, pedestrians navigating around this building will seek detours. Building access will remain on the Northeast and West sides of the building. 
  • The closure to regular vehicle traffic on S. Nedderman Drive will require detours from regular routes. Access to existing ADA and parking spaces will be closed, and those with permit access will be given different parking options. Additional ADA spaces can be found in Lot F10 and the Maverick Garage.  
  • Non-construction deliveries will be closed in mid-December 2023 and remain closed permanently. Deliveries of the Library, SEIR, Life Science and SSW/CONHI buildings will be impacted by this and will need to seek alternate delivery options.   

Greek Life Center Construction: The Greek Life Center will be a newly renovated facility at the entrance of Greek Row and the UTA campus and will create a space for fostering a strong sense of community for UTA’s Greek Life. Some parking spaces in Lots GR and 29 will be taken up for construction. This project will start in December 2023 and go through August 2024. 

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